www.romamedica.com - Medical Staff



On Call Health Care in Rome

(+39) 338 6224832

Medical Staff

Prof. Stefano Spina (Responsible Doctor)

Dr. Francesco Boccucci
Dr. Giulio Bosco
Dr. Vincenzo Calafati
Dr. Virgilio De Bono
Dr.ssa Lara Fratarcangeli
Dr. David Pavoncello
Dr. Giuseppe Pedullà
Dr. Simone Pallottino
Dr. Angelo Primavera


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This website is dedicated to people who want to be informed on dr. Spina's Medical Activity. Information provided on this website is based on his professional experience and is meant to integrate and not to replace any advice or information given after a direct Medical Visit. Funding of www.stefanospina.com is a personal investment of dr. Spina. This website does not host any form of advertising and does not receive funding by advertising. Information sent by visitors (e-mail addresses or/and contact information, names, personal or medical data) is not recorded in any archive and/or data base. This website does not use cookies, and undertakes to honour the legal requirements in Italy for medical/health information privacy. The author of this website is Dr. Stefano Spina MD, and he is the only one in charge for the redaction of the site's contents. Please read the 8 principles of the HON Code of Conduct (HonCode): ITALIAN or ENGLISH . Last update 17/03/2019

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